Yee-Cell in FDTD

Takuichi Hirano (Tokyo Institute of Technology, January 13, 2005)

The following graphics are interactive!

user action applet reaction
dragging (left mouse button pressed) rotating about an axis in the picture
releasing left mouse button while dragging spinning about an axis in the picture
SHIFT key pressed plus vertical dragging zooming
CONTROL key pressed plus vertical dragging changing focal length
double clicking stopping or restarting animation

(i,j,k)のセル (Yee-Cell)

Yee-Cell[1]を示す。紫色は電界を、水色は磁界を示している。このように配置すると、互いに数値的に回転(ローテーション, rotation, curl, ∇×)を計算するのが楽であり、マクスウェルの方程式をシミュレーションするのに適している。

Graphics by Mathematica and LiveGraphics3D



Graphics by Mathematica and LiveGraphics3D


[1] K.S. Yee, "Numerical Solution of Initial Boundary Value Problems Involving Maxwell's Equations in Isotropic Media," IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol.AP-14, no.8, pp.302-307, May 1966.

Copyright(c) 2005 Takuichi Hirano, All rights reserved.
